St. Luke School is the Parish School of St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church. We are fully accredited by the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association.
Core Beliefs
We believe that the intent of Catholic education is to provide our students with a unique Christ-centered academic environment in which Christian values permeate the entire curriculum, providing a strong spiritual and academic foundation.
We believe that learning is a student-centered, collaborative effort between parents and teachers where students are prepared to be active, contributing members of the Catholic Church and the community.
We believe that the role of our academic curriculum should be balanced to include Spanish, Technology, Art, Music, and Physical Education so that each individual’s God-given talents are recognized, nurtured and seen as significant to the building of God’s Kingdom.
We believe in continuous self-reflection regarding our academic effectiveness to promote an environment where students have the opportunity to reach their highest potential.
We believe in preparing our students to take their place in society, using their gifts to bring Christ’s message of peace, justice, mercy, and compassion to their neighborhoods, communities and beyond by living the Gospel message and ministry of the Catholic Church.
We believe that faith formation involves living the message of the Gospel, seeking a personal relationship with God, and following the example of our Master Teacher, Jesus.